27 June 2008

... and wash their hair with carcinogens.

Am I being nuts about this?  

From the ACC Website, suggestions:
  • Collect water drips from air conditioning units or collection buckets on dehumidifiers for use on plants or trees.
  • Instead of washing your face, use cleansing facial wipes. The wipes don’t require water and effectively clean your face, even removing makeup.
  • Although not as effective as soap & water, antibacterial hand wipes or alcohol-based hand sanitizers containing at least 60% alcohol can give a quick hand cleaning.
  • Use environmentally-friendly disposable/compostable plates instead of washable plates during meals. This cuts down on dishwasher runs and save water.
  • When drinking beverages other than water, don’t use a cup - drink directly from single-use recyclable bottles or cans. This eliminates the need to wash dirty cups and the use of ice
  • Don’t wash your hair every time you shower if it doesn’t need it. You can use talcum powder to dry-wash your hair and then brush it out. 
And this statement:
Athens-Clarke County Mayor Heidi Davison has signed an order modifying local outdoor water use restrictions to allow one day a week outdoor watering in addition to the existing restrictions that have been in effect since April 2, 2008.
Something just doesn't add up.

The government is encouraging us to wash our hair with a known carcinogen, to preserve water (a laudable goal) so that we can spray it on our lawns (less laudable.)  I really feel like I am missing something here.

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